Thursday, December 6

Remember Pearl Harbor

People are given to calling September 11 "another Pearl Harbor." This is especially so among young people who were not even born when the Japanese attacked the American base in the Hawaiian Islands. That war ended three and a half years later as two mushroom clouds ascended over Japan. Sixty years ago on December 7, 1941, I was ten years old and returning home from an afternoon at one of the local movie theatres. I don't recall what I saw that day, but when I entered the house my mother and some neighbors were listening to radio reports on the attack. Everyone was scared. I'm sure I was also but don't recall it specifically. Over the next few months nothing much seemed to happen, although we know it did. Our men and women in service fought their way into Africa, Sicily and Europe and across the Pacific. At home, life went on as it does for a ten year old child, and his two brothers and two sisters. We went to school, saved tin cans, played ball, were introduced to margarine, attended church, moved on up and finally, the war was over.

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