Friday, April 30

Shades of Florida voting
This evening the webmaster from the top North and South Carolina Web Sites called. He was compiling the April votes and was surprised my site was not moving up on the list of top South Carolina sites. We did a check on the linking code and it was defective. It linked to the site but your vote (if you voted) did not register. (Sort of like Florida a couple of years ago, although we did not find any hanging chads.) Those who have the time are asked to vote again (as Jim Curley used to say, "early and often"). Go to the site and see the "click here" message on the opening page (it is also on the links page) and click away. The vote ought to register automatically. The webmaster said in a second call that it appears to be registering. We'll know for sure in June. Meanwhile stay tuned.

Thank you for your time, effort and patience.
#179 (04-28)
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