Friday, May 21

Fast service
On Thursday, The Post & Courier ran a story on Wednesday's "he said, she said" argument between SC State Senator John Kuhn and Jenny Sanford, the Governor's wife. Today, Friday, there are two letters to the editor supporting Mrs. Sanford and criticizing Senator Kuhn in The Post & Courier. Does anyone wonder, as I do, how these letters got into the paper so quickly? Were the letters hand carried in? Were they faxed or e-mailed? Were there also phone calls? Was there pressure from the Governor's office? Is The Post & Courier expressing a preference for the Sanfords over Kuhn? Is The Post & Courier attempting to influence the impending Republican primary? Just wondering. (Oh, by the way, one of Senator Kuhn's opponents is running TV ads with a picture of him and the Governor side by side.)
#185 (04-34)
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