Monday, July 4

New York Times supports my suspicions

In an editorial today, The New York Times wrote, "John Bolton was a destructive presence in the State Department under Mr. (Colin) Powell, and his administration fans were lobbying to see him promoted to the No. 2 job. Ms. (Condoleezza) Rice avoided that disastrous possibility by backing Mr. Bolton instead for the job of ambassador to the United Nations. She chose the far more stable and grounded-in-reality Robert Zoellick, the former trade representative, as her deputy. Granted, siccing Mr. Bolton on the rest of the world at the United Nations isn't exactly the best way to sideline him, but at least he has been removed from dangerous areas like North Korea policy."

This echoes my view expressed in a blog on May 10, 2005, when I wrote "SecState Condie Rice wants him gone from Foggy Bottom where he is like a bull in a china shop." See Archives for May 2005.
#272 (05-33)

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