Sunday, December 30


As the new year dawns and the old one drops away, newspapers, magazines, talk shows, and, yes, even blogs are expanding the list of "ten's." My local paper had the ten top news stories of the year nationally, statewide and locally, which is really 30 in all. Then there are the ten best people and the ten worst, the ten best TV shows, and the ten we would like to forget quickly. The ten best movies and the ten that went straight to DVD in the middle of the night. Look long enough at little league, high school, colleges and even the pros and there is an endless list of tens just below the surface. My dentist, and probably yours as well, could come up with his/her ten best and ten worst mouths of the year. The possibilities are without limit. It is akin to staring into a black hole. I started to write my top ten list of the major personal events of the year but they turned out to be depressing or fleeting or fell into the "who the hell cares?" category. Just let me say my wife is doing fairly well in her Assisted Living facility; I have our house on the market and hope to join her on the same campus (in an Active Lifestyle apartment) in 2008. Our children and grand children are all doing well. We appreciate the many cards and well wishes received from so many good and long time friends throughout the year. We wish one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.