Saturday, September 28

The 15 minute telephone call

   After 34 years it is a remarkable diplomatic opening for the presidents of Iran and the United States to have a 15 minute telephone conversation. Even more remarkable for the President of Iran, Mr. Hassan Rouhani, to say he wanted to talk to the President of the United States, and for Mr. Obama to quickly place the call. The road ahead for relations between the two countries is long and will have some potholes in it, but it can be successfully navigated for the benefit of all.
   Two things to watch out for: One, the inclination to think it is sanctions against Iran that alone are responsible for this breakthrough. Iran has survived for 34 years and to deny or ignore good will on the part of President Rouhani does a disservice to him and the people of Iran. Two, Israel and Iran are at loggerheads over realistic fears about nuclear weapons. The United States is not going to leave Israel’s side but we cannot let this chance to improve relations in the area evaporate because of Israeli intransigence.
   It is to be hoped the 15 minute telephone conversation on September 27, 2013, will come to be recognized as a milestone in improved relations. 

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