Tuesday, December 15

They sent me home with the mince pie

As evening shadows were descending on Myrtle Beach, SC, on Saturday (December 12, 2015) my two daughters and a daughter-in-law were wrapping the left over Mince pie in aluminum foil and putting it along with the hard sauce in a paper bag for me to take back to the hotel. They expressed the hope that the pie (only one piece had been eaten during dessert) would also make it to my home in Hilton Head and not be eaten during the night. 

I had requestedd the Mince pie be added to the dessert table for our Big Family Christmas (BFC) get together. Obviously, it was not a big favorite. Carrot cake pastries were in the lead. In earlier days my wife, the children’s mother, and I hosted this event at our house. This early celebration was to accomodate those with small childrn who wanted to be in their own home on Christmas morning. Over the years it also accomodated children who had to travel long distances. This season a son and D-i-L planned to start the drive to their new home in Arizona on December 13. 

My daughter Wynn and her husband Rett have picked up the reins and host the annual get together in Myrtle Beach, a favorite vacation spot for Americans and Canadians who love the more than 30 golf courses available here.  All the children have been able to make it for the last few years. Earlier, some would be overseas on assignment and unable to attend. As the senior present, I gave the thanks and asked the blessing, always remembering the members of our extended families who were elsewhere on the day.

Several years ago we stopped buying gifts for all and went to drawing names and buying a gift for the person whose name we drew. The actual drawing took place right after Thanksgiving and was conducted by my daughter and her youngest son. We would get a message telling us whom we were to buy for. Two years ago we stoppeed that. We are adults and most of us have what we need or want or (excluding the latest Lexus or a trim figure.) We adopted the Chinese Christmas game.

i wound up with a Hillary Nutcracker. Actually I started out with an electronic fly-swatter and swapped it for the Nutcracker.

We had a good BFC, enjoyed the fun with family and a couple who are like family. My great-grandson was on hand with his parents. All day long he was a perfect child, not a cry, whimper or yelp out of him and he is only eleven months old. 

Back to the pie. I put it in the refrigerator at the hotel and brought it home. I am eating on it daily; being good (in case Santa is checking) and limiting myself to one slice a day.

I wish everyone a blessed and Merry Christmas. May we and the World have peace and love on this special day and experience a great New Year full of hope and progress. - Archie