Why I am grateful
When I woke this morning, October 2, 2016, it was the first day of my life I was 85. I am a guy who has had a good life; one who studied, worked, laughed and cried, and loved and lost. During the past week I looked back on the many people and life events I have to be truly thankful for. My attention is with specific individuals and cohorts of people whose place in my life is deeply personal to me. By listing them here I hope to pay homage to them and let it be known publicly how truly grateful I am to:
- a loving God for the blessings of life and overlooking my failures and foibles.
- my country - the USA - for the privilege to live in freedom and opportunity to dream, to fail, to succeed.
- my parents, Francis C. and Anne C. (Wynn) Archibald for giving me life.
- my siblings, children and extended family members who make life interesting and fun.
- the public school teachers and Xaverian Brothers who instructed me through high school.
- my higher education professors and teachers who opened wide the doors to knowledge.
- Ed Cavanaugh who helped me get my first job as a teen-ager.
- Ed Quigley, part-time employer and kind friend who urged me to join the U.S. Air Force.
- Lt. Col. John A. Brock, USAF, mentor and career facilitator.
- the men and women who made my working life challenging, successful and pleasurable.
- Carl Meynardie, publisher of The Hanahan News, who gave me a column and expanded a voice.
- the friends and allies who supported my political and elected service.
- the medical practitioners who take care of me.
- my late wife, Mary Frances Cooper, who married me, loved me, and gave me five children.
- my children who each developed in a different way and make me proud to be their father.
- my late second wife, Joyce L. Wahlrab, who loved me unconditionally.
- the innumerable men and women who touched my life, and I theirs, during these 85 years.
The timeline of a life is uncertain, but I look forward to the years ahead. I pray for long life, that I might love and serve My Lord, My God, and assist those in need in some small way.
Comments to: arch@archibald99.com