Saturday, June 28

Did he get a watch?

Yesterday the third richest man in the world, Bill Gates, (lower left in the photo) retired from his 33-year job at Microsoft and moved on to philanthrophy. Question: Did he get a gold watch?

Friday, June 27

Slicing your banana

This is the results of an unscientific study over a period of years and my final conclusion:

Based on my personal research involving the use of many knives and bananas and careful involvement in such activity, it is my contention that it is highly unlikely and practically impossible for a man to slice a banana into a bowl without putting at least one piece of the banana into his mouth during the slicing.

Monday, June 23

George Carlin dies

The media are reporting this morning that George Carlin the standup comedian who pushed the envelope for more than 50 years has died following health and heart problems. I enjoyed George's adult humor over the years and will miss seeing his occasional HBO specials. His case over the "seven words you can't say on television" went to the U.S. Supreme Court who ruled the words were indecent but not obscene. He delighted in doing a monologue on that subject and those words. One of his recent amusing, sarcastic comments was: "Doesn't it strike you as mildly ironic that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"

Saturday, June 21

Good for health and pocketbook

Walking is good for my health and today it was good on my pocketbook. At a yard sale I bought an almost new walker and transporter chair for use by my wife Mary. The walker comes with a seat she can use if she tires and it has a basket beneath the seat to carry things. The chair is lightweight, has folding handles, removable food pads and will go in the trunk of a car quite easily. The seller started at $80, I came back at $60 and we settled on $70 for the two. Each of these aides for handicapped people easily go for somewhere around $200 each.