Wednesday, September 20

"Ring" The Video Doorbell

September 20, 2017

Within hours of my last blog being posted a friend, JH, in Florida, sent me information on a doorbell called “ring.

I was amazed to find this was what my friend who talked from his hospital bed to me standing on his porch about 15 miles away was using. This technology will allow a homeowner traveling in, say, California to talk with and view someone (via his smartphone) on his porch back home in South Carolina. 

This is a great security weapon for homeowners and it comes with a battery pack so it need not be hard-wired at the point of use.  

As a retired security director, I would recommend this product as something to look at for your home or apartment security.

Monday, September 18

From the hospital bed to the front porch

(Note: To protect my friend's name and home I am not using such personal data in this post.)

One night last week I went to a friend's house for a meeting of a group we belong to. It was a nice evening, the sun was moving into the West and I was looking forward to being with friends and exchanging stories about what we did while threatened by Hurricane Irma. I had gone north and visited my son and daughter in law in Virginia. 

When I arrived at my friend's house there were no lights on in the house and no other cars around. I thought this was strange because a couple of people always show up early and help set up the refreshment table. I went to the porch and tried the door. On meeting nights the door is unlocked and you enter, sit on a bench and remove your shoes. The door was locked. 

Hmmm. On the wall to the right of the door was a bell. Beneath the bell was the word "ring." A bit of overkill, I laughed: everybody knows what to do with a bell. I pushed the button and heard a bit of a chime. In a few seconds, my friend said, "Hello."

"Hi, friend. This is Archie and I am outside on the porch and here for the meeting." I assumed my friend was inside and talking to me through a speaker. 
"The meeting was canceled a couple of days ago."
"I've been gone and missed the message."
"I am in the hospital, had a heart attack and am going to be here for a few more days."
"IN THE HOSPITAL, right now? Where?"
"In downtown Charleston."
"You are in a hospital in downtown Charleston, and I am on your porch 15 miles away and we are talking like you are inside the house?"

Did I mention my friend is an electrical engineer?