Wednesday, January 10

December Quotes

“It takes 2,000 nuts to assemble an automobile. It takes one nut to tear it up.” Lawrence M. Loh, Jr., Blythewood, S.C. The American Legion Magazine, December 2000.

November Quotes

“If you are one of the 1.2 million Americans who think Joan of Arc was married to Noah or that the epistles are wives of apostles, then the National Bible Association would like your attention.” Susan Lee. WSJ, 11/24/00. Pg W15.

“’Only two things I haven’t done are steal and pimp,’ he jokes. ‘And I’m not ruling them out.’” Gino N. Pala, quoted by Ann Carrens. WSJ, 11/24/00. Pg A1.

“If someone offered you 34¢ to carry a piece of paper to a bungalow in Alaska in three days, you’d refuse. Not the post office.” Joel Stein. TIME, 11/27/00. Pg. 24