Monday, January 15

"I'm going to miss Bill Clinton. And I don't mean only in a selfish 'He was great for late-night comedians' way. I'm going to miss Bill Clinton in that aching, visceral way. I'm going to miss him the way you miss Christmas on a dark February morning." Conan O'Brien, Essay, Time, 1/8/2001

"When right-wing operatives torture themselves with how Bill Clinton managed to beat the rap, they might consider the sheer pleasure of observing someone with the glow of knowing he knows everything. The policy wonk's policy wonk, he could rattle off the details of the welfare rolls in Alabama, the acreage in the national forests, the effect of the Asian markets on the eurodollar. And he could spit it all back in a speech that seemed to be coming straight at you, with a studied sincerity hypnotic as a snake charmer's song. That's one reason, that despite his personal behavior, his approval rating stayed high." Anna Quindlen, The Last Word, Newsweek, January 15, 2001, Pg 64.

"A majority of the one million or so attorneys in this country can now be found online, as accessible as pet supplies and CDs." Richard Schmitt, WSJ, 1/15/2001, Pg A1.