Thursday, October 7

Comments on the last two comments...
You are absolutely right on both. (A lady in S.C.)

Thank you for the'll forgive me my impertinence by respectfully disagreeing, however. After all, but for "foreign born" still being Constitutionally barred from running for president...just think, the genius of the administration of that greatest of presidents, Richard M. Nixon (my hero)...the legendary Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger, could one day finally get his due and finally be addressed as, "Mr. President", instead of "Your Exalted Excellency"!!! (A man in Maryland/Virginia area.)

Well, I disagree on this one -- our parents weren't born here. And I remember thinking Henry Kissinger would have made a good president, if only he could have run. But I do agree about the shopping carts! (A lady in S.C.)
#222 (04-71)
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