Monday, February 9

The stimulus bill and our elected representatives

Within the next 24 hours passage of the stimulus bill will re-affirm President Obama's November victory. Prior to November, the Republican Party's argument for tax cuts and less government spending proved unable to stop the economy from going over a deep cliff. The debate is over. He won. It is time for his new, bold and aggressive answers.

It ought to be clear to a blind man begging in the bazaar that less than the extraordinary measures proposed by the President will stall the economic engine in the station idling all the cars behind it. It is not only America's future recovery which hangs in the balance, the world is waiting for us to kick-start the world economy. A manufacturer in India was quoted recently as expressing his optimism. Prices for raw materials were down so he is buying. When he starts producing there has to be someone to buy and the recovery will continue to spread.

Some parts of the stimulus package warrant criticism but tossing the baby with the bath water is the worst response. Draining off questionable elements is the better way to go. Indications are much of this has already been done in the Senate. More may be possible in the Senate-House Conference Committee which will follow the Senate vote. But in the end, our elected representatives will fail us if they do not support the administration's goals in these critical times.