Monday, August 10

Julie & Julia - Five Stars

This is my first five-star film rating. I don't have any standing in the world to give movie ratings but in my own little corner of this world I am bestowing ***** rating on this wonderful film which depicts events in the life of Julia Child and Julie Powell, a young woman who sets out to cook all 524 recipes in Child's cookbook - Mastering the Art of French Cooking (now in its 49th reprinting) and write a blog about the whole darn experience. And, to do it all in one year.

Meryl Streep is the dot above the "i" in this this wonderful, laughing, tear-jerking at times comedy film. She has Julia Child dead-on center.

Amy Adams plays Julie Powell, a Queens housewife living in 900 square feet above a Pizza Parlor and cooking her way through Child's culinary masterpiece (when she isn't problem solving in a government cubicle in Manhattan).

Writer and director Nora Ephron interspersed joyful events in Child's life with Powell's trials and tribulations, successes and failures, joys and triumphs. It is a masterful blending of the past and the Internet age. If it were food it could take it's place in Child's cookbook. It really is that good.

If you only see one more film this year, make it this one.