Saturday, August 15

Working our way through summer

The heat and humidity in the Charleston, SC, area have been typical of August in this part of the country. Oppressive and stifling. Work is progressing on the third apartment building at Franke at Seaside despite the heat. On a recent trip to Charlotte, NC, I took this picture of a solar powered combination telephone and parking meter. First one I've seen. Interestingly enough, last night on a segment of This Old House, I watched the installation of a small solar powered water fall in a garden. One of the drawbacks is that on a cloudy day (s) the water fall won't work. The industry, however, is studying how to incorporate a battery in these solar powered garden additions at a reasonable cost. I had a pond and a waterfall at an earlier home (see photo) and ran the waterfall pump on electric power. This was an added expense to install the power line close to the pond and, of course, to run it 24/7. Solar power is the way I would go in the future. (Click on photos to see large image.)