Sunday, August 8

I am p****d off!

I am totally exasperated with SC Senator Lindsey Graham, John McCain and the other blockheads for even thinking about changing the Constitution of the United States to deny citizenship to children born in this country to parents who are illegal immigrants.
Is it because they want to punish lawbreakers and lawbreaking? There is no question illegal immigrants are breaking the law? Here's a surprise. The penalty for such lawbreaking is six months for a first offense and two years for subsequent offenses.
If we are going to punish people for breaking the law let's start with some real SOBs: murderers, cop killers, burglars, rapists and the white collar criminals who steal people's retirement and wreck havoc through their shady dealings. Let's deny citizenship to the off-spring of these criminals. That will cut down on crime about as much as denying citizenship to the baby born of illegal immigrants will cut down on the number of illegal immigrants.
If we want to punish evil doers let's start with some real, honest-to-God criminals and not pick on new-born babies simply because moma and papa came across the Rio Grande to cut lawns in Southern California, wash dishes at Aspen, Colorado or pick tomatoes in South Carolina.
Get some damn common sense, Lindsey and John and the rest of you bloating blockheads.
I am p****d off!.