Saturday, January 8

The Economist and Einstein
Dear James,
I cannot express adequately how glad I am that you turned me on to The Economist a couple of years ago. I often enjoy reading their diverse essays and commentaries and marvel at how much my mind has been expanded and knowledge increased. So it was especially so this week as I ploughed into the three page Science and Technology essay which celebrates the 100 years of Einstein and where the editors "attempt to elucidate" on Einstein's theories about (1) atoms, (2) relativity, and (3) quantum physics. Being, however, a social science major who matriculated in mid-life, I have no f****** idea what the hell they or Einstein are talking about. I thought I would share this with you. I did enjoy Lord Scarman's obituary, although the world is poorer for his passing.
#245 (05-06)
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