Monday, September 18

For those who believe in the sanctity of life

Two years ago, Lisa Fuerte of Hanahan, SC, had difficulties with her heart during her second pregnancy. It was at the early stages of this pregnancy where her heart became extremely weak. As a result of the complication she spent many days in the hospital. The doctors suggested to her that she consider aborting the child to alleviate the stress on the heart. Being a woman of tremendous faith she knew this was not an option. She put the situation in the hands of God and the child was born premature at twenty-six weeks. Father Edward Fitzgerald had the privilege of baptizing the baby in the Intensive Care Unit. Lisa had a heart transplant at Duke University Hospital in September. She has a long way to go to recovery. There are many expenses for this family and insurance does not cover everything.

Father Fitzgerald is running in Charlotte Thunder Road Marathon (26.2 miles) on December 9. He will run because he is a runner and to assist the Fuerte family. You can help by pledging so much per mile (results available in December) – or easier by simply sending a check to: Divine Redeemer Catholic Church, 1106 Fort Drive, Hanahan, SC, 29406, marked for the Fuerte family.

I have never before used my blog or web site to solicit funds for any person, cause or any thing else. But this is a great story for those of us who believe in the sanctity of life and faith in God and the needs are great and a dollar or more will be a big help. Checks made out to the Church are tax deductible (and marking it for the Fuerte Family will guarantee it goes to help them.) And I believe God will return the blessing to you in some way, some day.