Monday, July 23

Hospitality is lacking in some

A small minority in Charleston has forgotten its manners and run attack ads against Hillary in this morning's paper. Tonight the Democratic debate will be held at The Citadel and feature the leading eight Democratic candidates. This will bring nationwide attention to Charleston, the military college and several hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local business community. This is the first time such a debate has been held in Charleston's long and varied history. It calls for all Charlestonians to be on their best behavior and gracious even when they disagree with a candidate.

Not so for something called the National Black Chamber of Commerce (probably made up of outsiders and a few local folks) which took out a full page ad, complete with spiteful, out of context use of photos, to critically allege and charge Hillary of playing politics with AIDS relief. A ridiculous charge on its face. Her and Bill's efforts to combat this disease are a helluva lot better than most other public personalities.
The other, and smaller, ad by a couple of local citizens asks if Hillary will give Obama a 20 point lead in the Democratic Primary since she supports the University of Michigan which gives a 20 point advantage to applicants whose ancestry is considered desirable for diversity.

I am not going to the Democratic debate tonight and tomorrow when President Bush comes to speak at the local Air Force Base I will also stay home and keep my mouth shut, even though I disagree with him on several matters. For some of us, displaying hospitality is not a major sacrifice.

Sunday, July 15

The cat who ignored me

This morning as I was rounding the far turn on my exercise walk I spotted a cat, light brown and white in color, squatting on her haunches on the cement sidewalk ahead of me. She sat right at the line where the sidewalk joined the residential lawn still wet from the night's rain. She stared straight into the street. As I got closer she turned only her head 90 degrees to the right and looked briefly at my ankles. Satisfied that I was not a four-legged threat she turned back to the left and continued staring into the street. I passed and she did not move. After about ten feet I looked back; she had not moved nor turned her head again. I felt like a commoner passing the royal coach whose Queen would not acknowledge her subject with so much as a glance.

Saturday, July 14

Aim and Fire for $50 mil

A newspaper story this morning reports German people lifting a beer or lingering over a strudel at dessert are likely debating the question if a German soldier sees Osama bin Laden should he arrest him, call an American or aim and fire? Germans remain sensitive to the callous disregard for human life during the Hitler years and don't want to be seen as instant life-takers. In this scenario, however, let's give the whole German nation absolution in advance and urge option three: aim and fire. In fact, if Osama is with some of his buddies throw a grenade and take out the whole bunch. I believe the $50 million reward the American congress has offered for Osama would be payable to a German. As a public service a picture of the $50 mil target is shown here.

Saturday, July 7

For two dollars

"A young man walking up the stairs to a bordello encounters his father coming down the stairs, "Dad" he says, "What're you doing here?" "For two dollars," his father replies, "why bother your mother?" (Joseph Epstein, reveiwing Sin in the Second City, The Wall Street Journal, July 7, 2007, pgP8.)

Mail delivery could be cut, curtailed

The federal government's three primary duties are: defend the shores, deliver the mail and get the hell off our back. Now if they are going to stop delivering the mail (AP story, The Post & Courier, Sat. July 7, 2007) then we ought to see a major reduction in our taxes, not that paltry average $34 we got the last time we were supposedly unburdened.

Tuesday, July 3

Happy Holiday

Happy Independence Day to one and all. No matter what comes or goes, America is the greatest place of all!