Tuesday, January 10

Marsh Walk

IMG_1056Smile(Click photo to enlarge)
I sat on the concrete bench provided and looked across the marsh bathing in the sun that flitted in and out behind wisps of clouds. The quiet beauty of the scene made the walk worthwhile and the memory would stay with me on the return walk to Franke at Seaside.
The Mt. Pleasant Waterworks has created the Marsh Walk just beyond the dog run behind their headquarters and plant on Rifle Range Road. It took about 40 minutes to walk to the scene but with the temperature about 65 degrees it was pleasant. (You can drive to this same area and park only a couple of minutes from the walking path.)
Along the path are numerous large oak trees. How long they have been there is anyone’s guess. Some hang over the trail and combine to block out the sun. Perhaps later in the day when the sun is higher in the sky it may break through the overhanging growth. Part of the walk is asphalted for convenience but it ends a hundred yards or so from the marsh. When I visited last year we could walk out into the marsh, but now there are small signs “ No humans beyond this point.” This is understandable and does not detract from the joy of the trip. At this point on the walk the view is gorgeous and celebrates the magic of the Creator. Sitting there for a few moments in silent contemplation renews the soul. I recommend this, at least once a year!
(The complete blog is here,)