Saturday, November 3

An Obama opponent keyed my car

It takes a real mean spirited third-rate lowlife to key someone’s car simply because it carries stickers indicating support for President Obama, but that is what happened to my BMW this past week.

I have driven out only a few times this past week and did not go anyplace different than where I have gone many times before. I park carefully, take only the allotted space and try to be a good motorist. I had two bumper stickers on the car urging support of President Obama. One, for example, read “Osama bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive.”

The keying struck a straight line on the passenger side from the rear door to the front door. This is a lengthy line on a BMW 745LI. I tried to rub it out but it still shows and probably will until I have it professionally attended to.

This keying comes on the heels of similar vandalism I experienced earlier this month when someone used a razor blade or sharp cutting tool to destroy a picture of me and a likeness of President Obama which hung on wall space outside my apartment door.

There are other reports from around the country telling of vandalism to signs and property identifiable as supporting President Obama. I don’t know why I have not seen the same kind of reports from people supporting Governor Romney. It is not that President Obama’s supporters are too liberal or too lazy. I like to think we are just fair minded.

(The complete blog.)