Tuesday, January 28

Passing of a friend

Drove to a funeral yesterday (January 27, 2014) for John L. Trombino who died January 15. It was a little more than 200 miles round trip from Hilton Head to Mt. Pleasant, SC, but there are friends who are worthy of the journey. John was one of them.

The Catholic service was held in the Rodenberg Chapel at Franke at Seaside, where I lived from February 2008 until my re-marriage in March 2013. John’s family from near and far was present. At the joyful reception in the active lifestyle dining room after the service, John's wife, Toni, and I shared a light moment with this anecdote: When I began playing nickel and dime poker with John, and some of the other men at Franke, John had a good day and took some of my money. He asked me at the end of game how I enjoyed the afternoon. I said I would like to have my money back. John’s reply was, “You can have it when I die.”

John was laid to rest in the Columbarium at Franke. It was both a sad occasion but also a happy moment to see many friends and former neighbors. All of us have gotten a bit older and our shapes and sizes have made appropriate adjustments. But, thankfully, life goes on and we look to each new day for the joys and surprises it may bring.

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