Wednesday, January 27

You’ve got mail

On a lark about six days ago I decided to count the pieces of unsolicited mail I received over the next week. Leading the way were 19 offers to sell me something, 13 requests for donations to charities and 7 offers to subscribe to publications. Clearly these 39 unsolicited mailings outnumbered the pieces of mail and magazines I already subscribe to.

My mail is not unusual, according to comments made in the lobby by other residents of my 35 unit apartment house. One lady said all she ever gets is “pay me, buy me, give me” mail and wonders how the senders got her name. I wonder the same thing. Did someone get a copy of the directory for our retirement community? If so, how? Holders of the directory are requested not to make copies nor share the contents with outsiders.

I have briefly considered writing “Return to Sender,” and adding either “Addressee deceased” or “Moved, left no address” but the next piece of unsolicited mail will simply be addressed to “Occupant.” I think I will just continue to toss the unwanted mail in the recycle bin and get on with my life.

(This is from my larger BLOG.)