Wednesday, February 10

Sanford saga

Letters to the Editor
The Post & Courier
Charleston, SC
Dear Sirs:
Drucilla Barker, director of women and gender studies at USC, hit the nail on the head regarding Jenny Sanford's book on her life, failed marriage and divorce from the governor.

This sadly miserable tale, like a few others involving rich celebrities in recent years, continues to play out only because of the wealth and resources available to Mrs. Sanford.

There are thousands of women, and some men, across this country who divorce every year because of infidelity and other reasons and we hear little or nothing from them or about them, only the statistics about the divorce rate.

Through the Internet, for example, I learned that for the 12 months ending in April 2009, 34 percent of marriages ended in divorce. Enough of the Sanfords.

/s/ Francis X. Archibald 

(Published February 10, 2010)

(This is from my blog.)