Wednesday, July 24

Pass the meatballs...and other tidbits

Earl "The Pearl" Monroe, a basketball legend with Baltimore and New York in the 60s ad 70s, insisted on eating spaghetti and meatballs before every game after he had such a dish "and then had sex before going to a game" in which he scored 56 points. "I wanted to duplicate that." Apparently, the sex had nothing to do with the 56 points.

Thanks to the Wall Street Journal we learn the average three-hour major league baseball game has 17 minutes and 58 seconds of action, i.e. pitches, balls in play, running and throwing. Sounds like my son's' football coach was right: "Baseball is just a bunch of guys standing around."

The net flow of Mexicans to the United States has been slowing down since 2003. The number returning to Mexico from the United States is likely to top those coming over the border later this year, so says Rana Foroohar in TIME, July 22.

(Complete blog here.)

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