Thursday, December 3

What are we becoming?

It is not enough that we can have pet food delivered to our front door but now we can send postcards from our iPhone and what's even more ridiculous is we can do for free. And if that is not enough my doorbell rings when my coffee maker is finished brewing my morning cup! (LOL).
What has happened to the colossus I grew up in. We went about our business growing peacefully and getting better and stronger all the time. When some SOBs attacked us we went to war and made things right in the world. There was a time when a young President said we will go to the moon in this decade and we did it.
Now look at us. We are sending more of our finest men and women off to fight in a country that is two centuries behind the rest of the world in human progress. They are chasing an enemy that is hard to find and even harder to kill. We are dithering in the congress over providing health care to almost all our citizens because some elected congressmen and senators are more afraid of the health care industry than the voters. We refuse to accept that the earth is warming, the icebergs are melting and alternative (to oil) sources of energy are in the best interests of all Americans and this country. We've got a congress that is so entrenched in all its trappings of comfort that we can't get past party lines and come together for the common good. I have never been in favor of term limits but when I look around at the dithering and procrastination in congress (and in state legislatures) I am coming around to one six year term for senators and one four year term for representatives. No re-elections to worry about, no need to curry favor to raise campaign money, no need to be beholden to the greed of the greediest. I am p....d o...
Damn, postcards from telephones! God almighty, what's next?