Sunday, January 28

The fork in the language road

Yogi Bera is credited with saying, "When you come to the fork in the road, take it."

Jeff E. Schapiro, Richmond Times-Dispatch columnist, wrote about Virginia Sen. John Warner (R) on Sunday (1/28/07): "He responds to the whims of a state that in his 79 years -- he turns 80 on Feb. 18 -- has transformed from ducal agricultural backwater preoccupied with race to diverse suburban dynamo where, in some neighborhoods, one might hear 21 foreign languages."

This weekend former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, (R), a presidential candidate, pushed for English-only in educating the country's children. To be successful in this country kids "need to speak the language," he said. (The Post & Courier, 1/28/07, pg 16A)

I believe language is going to be one of the major issues of the 2008 presidential campaign.