Monday, January 29

Gay Sheep

Among the many things we know that we don’t know all there is to know about the subject is that there are gay male sheep out there and researchers are experimenting to discover why about eight percent of rams choose sex with other rams. Logically, it would follow if one can learn why; perhaps one can amend the reason and turn the rams into heterosexuals. This might lead to some sort of antidote for future moms having male children and wanting to insure they are straight.

(Which invokes memories of Brokeback Mountain: did the two cowboys give the rams some strange ideas or learn from the rams.)

You can learn more on this fascinating, albeit low priority, subject at the
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) website (they are against the experiments), or, for some lighter reading on the sex habits of rams see, John Cloud’s article, “Yep, They’re Gay,” (TIME, February 5, 2007, page 54.)

John says “Zoologists have known for many year that homosexuality isn’t uncommon among animals,” and his cat has raised suspicions ever since he tried to mount a male dachshund. Also, irreverent comedian George Carlin a few years ago sent out a Christmas card featuring a picture of his male dog trying to do the male cat. He called it “Piece on Earth.”